Community College Bachelor’s Degrees in Washington State: An Update on Enrollment, Completion, and Labor Market Outcomes | Ascendium Education Group, Inc. Skip to main content


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Community College Bachelor’s Degrees in Washington State: An Update on Enrollment, Completion, and Labor Market Outcomes

May 1, 2024 1-minute read
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This brief explores the experiences of community college baccalaureate (CCB) program students and graduates in Washington using data from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. It analyzes who enrolls in and graduates from CCB programs, what they studied, and what they are earning after degree completion. CCB programs are especially good options for learners who may not otherwise obtain a bachelor’s degree, including students of color, older adult learners, and rural learners. Because of their potential, state policymakers and practitioners need more information about who enrolls in CCB programs and why, and what happens to graduates in the labor market.

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