JFF RISE Network Member Continues Planting Seeds of Opportunity
In the heart of Omaha, Nebraska, something formidable is taking root. Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim (CMPI), one of 10 organizations serving rural refugees and immigrants that make up the Rural Immigrant Success Exchange (RISE) Network at Jobs for the Future (JFF), is diligently working to empower Indigenous immigrants to formalize their entrepreneurial aspirations.
In April 2024, JFF had the chance to experience CMPI’s work firsthand during a recent site visit as part of the RISE initiative. CMPI’s deep roots in the areas it serves in Omaha and surrounding rural communities, combined with culturally attuned wraparound services, illustrate an approach that organizations promoting immigrant integration can learn from — address multidimensional barriers through community-embedded and comprehensive support.
Read the full article at Jobs for the Future (JFF RISE Network Member Continues Planting Seeds of Opportunity: Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim’s Holistic Approach to Immigrant Entrepreneurship - Jobs for the Future (JFF)).