The Rural Reason to Focus on Workforce Policy with Manny Lamarre, Mary Wurtz and Andrew Campbell | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy Skip to main content

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The Rural Impact Podcast

The Rural Reason to Focus on Workforce Policy with Manny Lamarre, Mary Wurtz and Andrew Campbell

May 23, 2024 Less than a 1-minute read
Grant Type:

In the first episode of The Rural Impact podcast's series on pathways and policies to ensure rural learners succeed, host Michelle Rathman talks with three guests who highlight apprenticeships as key to meeting the workforce challenges and opportunities of the rural public sector. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Manny Lamarre discusses how the Employment and Training Administration is working to strengthen rural workforce opportunities, public sector employment, and community partnerships. The Council of State Governments’ Mary Wurtz and the Urban Institute’s Andrew Campbell share their three-year initiative building out apprenticeship programs at the state and local levels.