Institutional Transformation in Puerto Rico: Lessons Learned in Resiliency
This grant supports Excelencia in Education in identifying strategies that can support institutional resiliency and promote student success for rural, Latinx learners in the midst of natural disasters and crises. Excelencia will engage rural postsecondary institutions in Puerto Rico, which has experienced multiple natural disasters in recent years, and develop a report and accompanying case studies highlighting lessons learned in supporting access, retention and success for rural learners.
Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance
This grant supports the Midwestern Higher Education Compact and Credential Engine in developing the Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance. Intensive work in five states and regional coordination across the 12-state region will contribute to significantly expanding the public repository of detailed, accurate information about postsecondary credentials available to learners, employers, schools and state agencies.
Equity Transfer Initiative
This grant supports the American Association of Community Colleges in increasing equitable student transfer outcomes. In partnership with the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Equity Transfer Initiative will provide direct coaching, technical assistance and ongoing support to selected pairs of two- and four-year institutions as they develop new transfer pathways for degrees leading to high-demand careers.
Capitalizing on Federal Momentum to Advance Postsecondary Student Success
This grant supports a project by MDRC, SHEEO and The Education Trust in capitalizing on momentum created by several federal proposals to provide funding for college student success programs. The effort will equip states and colleges with guidance and technical assistance so that they prioritize the implementation of programs with the strongest evidence base.
Exploring the Role of Accreditors in Transfer Reform
This grant supports Sova Solutions in exploring accreditors’ roles in improving equitable transfer student outcomes. Though accreditors do not instruct nor regulate institutions explicitly, this exploration will uncover what role they may in fact have in supporting institutional transfer reform efforts.
Scaling Community College Partnerships to Expand Access to Technology Careers
This grant supports Generation USA in expanding their proven model of supporting learners from low-income backgrounds in accessing quality technology training that leads to upward socioeconomic mobility and careers through community college partnerships. Over the course of 18 months, Generation USA will test three types of partnerships with community colleges with a goal to successfully scale their model.
Scaling the Student Success Center Network Coaching Program
This grant supports Jobs for the Future in building the capacity of four Student Success Centers to deploy coaches trained in advancing reforms at colleges in their states. The project provides capacity-building seed grants and strategic technical assistance to Centers in designing and implementing in-state coaching programs, while also providing training and ongoing professional development to the cadre of coaches.
Redesigning StudentTracker
This grant supports the National Student Clearinghouse in rebuilding StudentTracker, the primary data platform used by educational systems and institutions to track student-level postsecondary enrollment in the United States. The new StudentTracker will reduce the technological expertise required for users, consolidate data into a single platform and provide enhanced reports and visualized analytics with the goal of significantly expanding access and utilization nationwide.
Advancing a Framework for Integrated Credit Mobility
This grant supports Ithaka Harbors in defining the key challenges and barriers related to credit assessment, transfer and application that cause learners to lose credits. In addition to creating a tool for the field to support improved policy and practice, the resulting framework is intended to inform and support the launch of an Ascendium grant program aimed at catalyzing more effective, integrated credit mobility processes and practices.
Bringing to Scale and Measuring the Effects of Guided Pathways Reforms by Ohio’s Community Colleges
This grant supports the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University in studying and disseminating learnings from the implementation of guided pathways reforms at Ohio’s public two-year institutions.