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Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

North Carolina State University|$490,200|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports North Carolina State University in investigating the effectiveness of its statewide Rural College Leaders Program in contributing to student success reforms.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

University of Idaho|$499,600|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports the University of Idaho in examining which institutional programs and practices—including first-year programs, career advising and other strategies—may best support retention, completion and successful transition to the workforce for rural learners from low-income backgrounds.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

The Urban Institute |$500,000|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports the Urban Institute in refining and testing the Family Friendly Campus Toolkit, which helps institutions better serve parenting students, to fit the context of rural tribal colleges and universities.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

University of Washington|$449,535|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports the University of Washington in exploring whether rural learners from low‐income backgrounds benefit from postsecondary mentorship programs and identifying best practices for implementing mentorship programs in rural contexts.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

Western Illinois University|$311,100|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports Western Illinois University in investigating whether its Paraprofessional Teacher Education Option program reduces barriers for non‐traditional, rural learners from low-income backgrounds to earn a bachelor’s degree in education and teacher licensure.

Building a Multi-Sector Consensus for Expansion of Postsecondary Education in Virginia's Prisons

Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy|$749,900|2/2024 - 1/2026
This grant supports the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) in establishing a statewide coalition focused on increasing high-quality postsecondary education in prison in Virginia. VICCP will raise awareness about postsecondary education in prison and Pell Grant restoration for incarcerated learners and identify and recruit coalition partners.

Documenting Opportunities for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Learners

Strada Collaborative LLC|$700,000|2/2024 - 1/2026
This grant supports Roadtrip Nation in producing a documentary film and additional video assets that showcase the voices and experiences of justice-impacted individuals who participated in postsecondary education opportunities while incarcerated. The documentary aims to build awareness about the positive impact of access to postsecondary education in prison and help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated learners see the relevance of postsecondary education to their life and career goals.

Supporting Competency-Based Teacher Education in Tennessee

University of Tennessee|$1,838,160|12/2023 - 12/2025
This grant supports the University of Tennessee's Grow Your Own Center in enabling postsecondary institutions to launch competency-based teacher apprenticeship programs that reach rural regions and learners throughout the state. Through the launch of the Institute for Competency-Based Teacher Education, postsecondary institutions will have access to standardized, competency-based materials and assessments that will ensure more rural learners can engage in and complete apprenticeship-based degree programs that provide a pathway to teaching jobs in rural school districts.

Education Justice Tracker

Cornell University|$1,350,000|10/2021 - 12/2025
This grant supports the Cornell Prison Education Program in evolving its incarcerated learner database into a sharable digital tool, while developing models for using this open-source software to improve learner outcomes.

Closing the Pell Implementation Gap

Vera Institute of Justice Inc|$1,500,000|8/2024 - 12/2025
This grant supports the Vera Institute of Justice in carrying out a comprehensive set of research and direct technical assistance activities with all 50 state-level departments of correction and the federal Bureau of Prisons to support the implementation of Pell grant access for incarcerated learners.