Awarded Grants | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy - Grants Page 13 Skip to main content

Ascendium Education Philanthropy is a division of Ascendium Education Group.

Awarded Grants

The grants we award advance our core strategies to Expand Opportunity, Support Learner Success, and Connect and Align Systems. They also promote field support and development efforts across strategies.

Increasing Opportunities for Justice-Impacted Learners

The Education Trust Inc|$1,157,500|11/2023 - 10/2025
This grant supports The Education Trust in delivering a fellowship program focused on building a cohort of formerly incarcerated college graduates who can serve as field leaders and are equipped to inform and strengthen policy and research regarding postsecondary education in prison.

Learner and Employment Record Demonstration Project

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Inc|$1,000,000|11/2023 - 10/2025
This grant supports Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in launching a pooled funding initiative that will seed up to eight pilot projects to demonstrate the use of digital Learning and Employment Records (LERs). Funded projects will explore how LERs can support upward mobility by giving learners tools to collect, validate, and communicate their learning and work experiences.

Supporting National Reporting on Postsecondary Education in Prison and Rural Postsecondary Education and Workforce Training

Open Campus Media Inc|$850,000|11/2023 - 10/2025
This grant supports Open Campus Media in continuing and expanding its reporting focused on postsecondary education and workforce training issues impacting learner populations at the core of Ascendium’s philanthropic mission including incarcerated learners and rural learners from low-income backgrounds.

Transformation of the Postsecondary Landscape

Education Design Lab|$5,478,600|11/2023 - 10/2025
This grant supports Education Design Lab in strengthening the ability of colleges and states to better meet the needs of learners from low-income backgrounds — especially adult, parent, and working learners — through high-quality, workforce aligned training pathways. Grant-funded projects will specifically focus on strengthening capacity in rural community colleges to design and implement new pathways.

Expanding Workforce Alignment and Capacity of College Promise Programs to Better Support Low-Income Learners

College Promise|$300,000|10/2024 - 9/2025
This grant supports the College Promise in providing professional development to existing promise programs with a focus on 1) better aligning education and workforce, 2) leveraging use of technology and AI, and 3) enhancing program outreach via effective communication strategies. College Promise will deliver research, online trainings, an annual Careers Institute, and career tools for promise program counselors and students.

Supporting the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison’s Field Leadership

Alliance for Higher Education in Prison|$750,000|10/2024 - 9/2025
This grant supports the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in conducting coordination, technical assistance, and an annual convening for the field of Postsecondary Education in Prison.

Scaling CDL Training and Career Pathways for Formerly Incarcerated Learners

Join Freeworld Inc|$741,750|10/2024 - 9/2025
This grant supports Join FreeWorld in creating more opportunities for formerly incarcerated learners to enter living wage careers by expanding its delivery of CDL truck driver training in partnership with American Job Centers and other local and state workforce training organizations.

Scaling Math Pathways in Alabama

University of Texas at Austin|$50,000|10/2024 - 9/2025
This grant supports the Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin in working with state and system-level leaders in Alabama to plan for scaled implementation of redesigned math pathways across the state's colleges and universities.

Aligning Employment and Education Systems for the Success of Low-Income Working Adult Learners: The Achieve Your Degree Program

The RAND Corporation|$647,100|10/2022 - 9/2025
This grant supports The RAND Corporation in studying the design and outcomes of Ivy Tech Community College's statewide Achieve Your Degree program, which helps working learners earn skills needed to advance in their jobs through employer tuition assistance and dedicated academic and non-academic supports.

Leveraging NCAN Members to Increase Success for Incarcerated Learners

National College Attainment Network|$630,000|10/2023 - 9/2025
This grant supports the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) in developing technical assistance for its members tailored to postsecondary education in prison. With its support, more NCAN members will partner with postsecondary education in prison programs to deliver supportive services to incarcerated learners.