Examining Student Loss at Community Colleges
This grant supports The RAND Corporation in partnering with Dallas College to address early student attrition. The partners will examine institutional data, student experiences and campus-level practices to share insights with the field about students who leave prior to colleges' official enrollment count and how community colleges can help retain them.
Supporting National Reporting on Postsecondary Education and Workforce Training
This grant supports The Hechinger Report (Hechinger), a publication of the Teachers College at Columbia University, in producing high-quality reporting on emerging trends, challenges, and promising solutions in postsecondary education and workforce training. While continuing to distribute content through its primary website and newsletter outlets, Hechinger will broaden its reach via social media and by partnering with 200+ national news outlets.
Connected Pathways for Tribal Colleges and Universities
This grant supports the Wakiya Foundation in piloting the development of new, career-aligned bachelor’s degree programs at three tribal colleges in Montana. In partnership with the tribal college leaders and Western Governors University (WGU), Wakiya Foundation will lead a process of using labor market data to identify in-demand jobs for which no postsecondary education programs currently exist for tribal learners, and to fill those gaps through offerings delivered jointly by the tribal colleges and WGU.
Site-Specific Evaluation of Academic Recovery Innovations
This grant supports The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Riverside campus, in evaluating a campus-level intervention (“academy recovery model”) targeting students who fail in critical courses. This institution-level evaluation will provide insights into localized implementation and create the conditions for a potential future evaluation to determine the interventions’ impact on student outcomes.
Scaling Academic Recovery Interventions
This grant supports the University Innovation Alliance in scaling Georgia State University’s Accelerator Academy program to 10 member institutions. The Accelerator Academy, comprising a suite of comprehensive interventions with demonstrated success, will allow institutions to target students at risk of falling behind or not completing a degree due to a D, F or W (Withdrawn) in critical coursework.
Minnesota Math Pathways
This grant supports Minnesota State Colleges & Universities in replacing pre-requisite remediation with co-requisite options and ensuring all students enter a mathematics pathway relevant to their program of study. These reforms are designed to facilitate transfer and reduce disparities in low-income and minoritized student completion outcomes.
Paving the Way to Equitable, Adequate and Effective Community College Funding
This grant supports the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University in executing a project designed to understand the costs of implementing evidence-based practices to support postsecondary success for learners from low-income backgrounds and students of color at two-year institutions. CCRC will use insights from the study to provide guidance to institutional leaders and state and system policymakers for advancing adequate and equitable funding strategies.
Site-Specific Evaluation of Academic Recovery Innovations
This grant supports The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in evaluating a campus-level intervention (“academy recovery model”) targeting students who fail critical courses. This institution-level evaluation will provide insights into localized implementation and create the conditions for a potential future evaluation to determine the interventions’ impact on student outcomes.
Fair Chance to Advance: Transforming Systems & Building Pathways from Corrections to Quality Jobs
This grant supports Jobs for the Future in designing an initiative focused on supporting and scaling high-quality postsecondary education in prison programs in a cohort of states.
Site-Specific Evaluation of Academic Recovery Innovations
This grant supports University of Utah in evaluating a campus-level intervention (“academy recovery model”) targeting students who fail in critical courses. This institution-level evaluation will provide insights into localized implementation and create the conditions for a potential future evaluation to determine the interventions’ impact on student outcomes.