Establishing a Data Use Challenge to Inform Education & Workforce Transitions
This grant supports Coleridge Initiative in developing and launching a data use challenge and call for proposals to solicit data-driven ideas that inform education and workforce transitions. Ascendium will select individual data challenge projects to support from a set of proposals submitted by Coleridge Initiative during the grant period. The selected projects will link education and workforce data, provide states the relevant data analysis capacity to answer critical questions about student progression and inform evidence-based policies and practices that support learners from low-income backgrounds.
Strengthening the Postsecondary Education in Prison Field Through High-Impact Technical Assistance
This grant supports American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences in building infrastructure to assess, improve, and diffuse knowledge about the quality of technical assistance within the field of postsecondary education in prison.
Building Pathways to Credentials for HEP Students
This grant supports the National Prison Debate League in exploring the potential to provide course credits in partnership with postsecondary institutions, and/or develop a stand-alone certificate, so that incarcerated learners receive credit for their participation in this valuable learning and enrichment program.
Advancing the Economic Mobility of Rural Learners
This grant supports the Association of Chambers of Commerce Executives Foundation in working with up to 12 rural chambers of commerce to learn how to bring local community partners together to provide rural learners and workers from low-income backgrounds with the training needed to access well-paying, high-demand jobs.
Redesigning Pathways for Adult College and Career Success
This grant supports Achieving the Dream in partnering with Jobs for the Future to help nine community colleges across three states identify and implement practices and policies that drive adult learner success. Complementary capacity building for state system offices will help ensure alignment of policy to effective practice and support cross-state learning.
Academic Planning for Equitable Student Success
This grant supports the American Association of State Colleges and Universities in helping a cohort of 10-12 colleges analyze and optimize their course schedules for equitable student success.
Supporting Career Pathways for Low-Income Rural Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees
This grant supports a cohort of organizations in designing, implementing and/or expanding high-quality postsecondary education or workforce training leading to good jobs for immigrants, migrants and refugees from low-income backgrounds in rural communities. Selected organizations will also join a learning community focused on identifying promising strategies and addressing barriers to help strengthen outcomes.
Catalyzing Technical Assistance for Postsecondary Education in Prison
This grant supports the Education Justice Project at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in refining and distributing resources that help incarcerated learners transition from prison classrooms to free-world campuses and meaningful employment.
Building a National Apprenticeship Intermediary Infrastructure
This grant supports Apprenticeships for America in creating the first national network of apprenticeship intermediaries in the United States and developing research to support the role of intermediaries with the goal of expanding apprenticeship opportunities nationwide.
Preparing for Pell Grant Eligibility for Incarcerated Learners
This grant supports the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators in providing technical support to financial aid offices preparing for the return of Pell grant eligibility for incarcerated learners.