Academic Planning Tool Pilot
This grant supports Partnership for Education Advancement in bolstering college capacity to plan for, successfully implement and evaluate the use of academic planning technology to help students map a clear path to courses needed for degree completion. In addition to decreasing excess credit accumulation and speeding time to degree for students, the project will help institutions calculate the return on their investment in this type of technology.
Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks
This grant supports Community Colleges of the Appalachian Region and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID-19-related impacts.
Changing Systems to Support Partnerships Between Rural Community Colleges and Industry Stakeholders
This grant supports the National Skills Coalition in helping states implement policy and systems changes to create and/or strengthen partnerships between rural-based community colleges and industry. This effort will document how existing partnerships have impacted the postsecondary and workforce success of rural learners and provide targeted technical assistance and coaching to state agencies and workforce coalitions.
Fast Track to Success? A Mixed Methods Study of Accelerated Course Formats
This grant supports the Tennessee Board of Regents in partnering with Stanford University researchers to better understand the impact of accelerated courses on students from low-income and other non-traditional backgrounds.
Exploring Field-Driven Placement Innovation to Promote Student Success
This grant supports Phase Two Advisory in exploring how innovative community colleges’ implementation of placement reforms may contribute to comprehensive changes in student instruction, advising and supports in the first year. This exploratory research will identify and document strategies to ensure placement reforms reach all students and are institutionalized into college structures and norms.
Curricular Analytics Transfer Exchange
This grant supports the Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities at Colorado State University in exploring the viability of data definitions and standards for making transparent how credits apply to degree program requirements. Outcomes could include the development of a pilot for institutional reporting on degree program requirements to inform a future national transfer student exchange system that helps students understand and plan degree pathways across two-year and four-year institutions.
Landscape of Funder Collaboratives
This grant supports Grantmakers for Education in conducting a landscape mapping and analysis to connect funders with new or established postsecondary and workforce training co-funding initiatives.
Supporting The Different Voices of Student Success Resource Center
This grant supports The Chronicle of Higher Education in continuing to develop and expand multimedia content for its Different Voices of Student Success Resource Center.
Fast Track to Success? A Mixed Methods Study of Accelerated Course Formats
This grant supports Evaluation and Assessment Solutions for Education LLC in better understanding the impact of accelerated courses on the academic success of students from low-income and other non-traditional backgrounds.
From Some-College-No-Degree to Success: Postsecondary Pathways for 40 Million Americans
This grant supports Inside Higher Ed in producing a special report and webinars on the topic, “From Some-College-No-Degree to Success: Postsecondary Pathways for 40 Million Americans.” This work will highlight evidence-supported initiatives to streamline the process for and support learners who return to postsecondary education for a degree after stopping out.