Designing a Postsecondary Education in Prison RFP Initiative
This grant supports American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences in researching and designing an initiative focused on supporting experienced postsecondary education in prison programs in sharing their knowledge and resources with other programs to accelerate their meeting new federal regulations for receiving Pell Grants.
Establishing and Solidifying a Field Convener
This grant supports the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in fostering collaboration among critical stakeholders in the postsecondary education in prison field. The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison will solidify its role as a national convener and resource hub for the field.
Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks
This grant supports Achieving the Dream and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID‐19‐related impacts.
Transformational Partnership Fund
This grant supports SeaChange Capital Partners in developing and launching the Transformational Partnership Fund, a funding vehicle that will provide postsecondary institution leaders with opportunities to explore and form long-term strategic partnerships ranging from mergers and acquisitions to administrative shared services or consolidated programs.
Training Low-Income Workers for Remote Opportunities
This grant supports The Foundation for Maine's Community Colleges in building and implementing a state-wide training program designed to prepare rural Maine residents for success in remote working roles. Over three years, the program will train 700+ learners and establish the Maine Advisory Council on Remote Working.
Exploring Geographic Isolation as a Barrier to Equitable Transfer Outcomes
This grant supports the RP Group in assessing the role of proximity to four-year institutions in the transfer outcomes of low-income and Latinx students in California in order to identify ways to strengthen transfer policy and practice, particularly in states with large rural areas not well served by broad access four-year institutions.
Building Postsecondary Rural and Prison Education Funder Collaboratives
This grant supports Social Strategy Associates, through the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, in providing backbone structure and planning support to launch funder collaboratives in two Ascendium strategic focus areas: Rural Postsecondary Education & Workforce Training and Postsecondary Education in Prison. The grantee will provide logistical and strategic support to Ascendium and peer funders in developing agendas for collaboration and identifying shared priorities and opportunities for aligned funding.
Organizational Capacity Building Project
This grant supports the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network in building the executive, organizational and strategic capacity needed to excel as an impactful network of leaders who completed college during incarceration.
Optimizing Delivery Systems for Higher Education in Prison
This grant supports the Iowa Department of Education, in partnership with the Iowa Department of Corrections, Iowa Central Community College, Des Moines Area Community College and the University of Iowa, in expanding postsecondary education options across Iowa that are workforce-relevant and support varied academic and career pathways.
Community College Doctoral Program Redesign
This grant supports the University of Maryland Global Campus in developing a new doctoral program in community college leadership. The program curriculum will be comprehensive and innovative, designed in collaboration with influential community college stakeholders and thought leaders.