Transforming Higher Education Policy and Practice in Prisons and Beyond
This grant supports The Education Trust in developing two distinct but interconnected leadership development programs that will engage formerly incarcerated learners and postsecondary education in prison practitioners in an intentional learning exchange, producing nuanced reports and analysis and informing improvements to institutional practice.
Launching West Virginia Climbs
This grant supports Philanthropy West Virginia’s efforts in building the infrastructure of West Virginia Climbs, a new public awareness and programming campaign aimed at increasing the state’s postsecondary educational attainment rate to at least 60 percent by 2030. The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and other partners will support the implementation activities needed to complete five activities targeted at supporting learners from low-income backgrounds.
Planning for ASAP Denver
This grant supports Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative (CEEMI) in planning the implementation of a local ASAP-type program to support low-income learner success in the Denver metro area. CEEMI is entering initial phases of building support among local stakeholders and identifying public funding streams to support the launch and sustainability of a Denver ASAP model.
Quality Framework for Community College Bachelor's Degree Programs
This grant supports Community College Baccalaureate Association in collaborating with postsecondary and workforce partners to establish characteristics of quality for community college bachelor's degree programs.
Accelerating Transfer Reform
This grant supports The Aspen Institute in accelerating transfer reform nationally by activating two- and four-year college leaders and leveraging networks to implement lasting institutional change. This project will scale the adoption of effective practices aimed at improving transfer success for learners from low-income backgrounds.
Advancing Outcomes Research on Postsecondary Competency-Based Education Pathways
This grant supports American Institutes for Research in developing a typology of competency-based education program design features. They will also develop an evaluation plan using the typology to research the impact of key design features and outcomes for learners from low-income backgrounds.
Regional Upskilling Alliance - Planning Period
This grant supports the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning in coordinating the development of the Regional Upskilling Alliance, an innovative approach to developing sustainable connective structure that more effectively supports low-wage and unemployed adults in obtaining new skills and communicating them to employers in order to access thriving wage career opportunities.
National Reporting on Rural and Prison Higher Education
This grant supports Open Campus in developing an indepth series of stories covering rural postsecondary education and workforce training and postsecondary education in prison.
Special Report: Modernizing Federal Policy to Serve Today’s Students
This grant supports Inside Higher Education in producing a special report: Modernizing Federal Policy to Serve Today's Students. The report will include an in-depth analysis of the impact of state and federal postsecondary education policy on working learners, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, and highlight opportunities for federal policy to be modernized to better meet the needs of today’s learners.
HBCU Degree Completion Pilot
This grant supports the Thurgood Marshall College Fund in piloting an online college degree completion program for near-completer students at member HBCU Delaware State University in partnership with Southern New Hampshire University.