Awarded Grants | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy - Grants Page 6 Skip to main content

Ascendium Education Philanthropy is a division of Ascendium Education Group.

Awarded Grants

The grants we award advance our core strategies to Expand Opportunity, Support Learner Success, and Connect and Align Systems. They also promote field support and development efforts across strategies.

Identifying and Scaling Programmatic Technical Assistance Resources in Higher Education in Prison

Resilience Education|$325,000|12/2024 - 12/2026
This grant supports Resilience Education in refining and packaging its instructor training program to effectively prepare instructors to teach in carceral settings.

Identifying and Scaling Programmatic Technical Assistance Resources in Higher Education in Prison

Emerson College|$324,200|12/2024 - 12/2026
This grant supports Emerson College in refining and packaging a suite of resources aimed at program implementation and continuous improvement. These resources contribute to the field by illustrating high-impact practices in program implementation and provide program benchmarks that other programs can adapt and replicate.

Identifying and Scaling Programmatic Technical Assistance Resources in Higher Education in Prison

Saint Louis University|$108,600|12/2024 - 12/2026
This grant supports St. Louis University in refining and packaging the curriculum for a Prison Education College Preparation Program to support incarcerated learners’ success in a postsecondary program.

Beyond Transfer

Sova Solutions|$325,000|12/2023 - 11/2026
This grant supports Sova in improving equity in transfer and credit mobility by exploring the role of accreditors in reforming institutional policies and practices that pose barriers to transfer student success.

Evaluations of Strategies to Improve Education and Workforce Success

The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia|$1,276,000|12/2022 - 11/2026
This grant supports Dr. Ben Castleman’s University of Virginia research center in engaging in research-practice partnerships that will evaluate Merit America in Texas and Piedmont Virginia Community College’s gateway course reforms.

Supporting Reporting on Indigenous Communities, Identity, and Postsecondary Education

Indij Public Media|$250,000|12/2024 - 11/2026
This grant supports Indij Public Media in expanding national reporting on postsecondary education and workforce training for Native learners and communities.

Education, Training, and Economic Opportunity

Georgetown University|$545,200|12/2024 - 11/2026
This grant supports the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University in producing research and an interactive data tool that postsecondary providers can use to align their credentials with local well-paying jobs. It also supports initial planning for research on short-term workforce training programs.

EnGAge: Building and Mobilizing a Community of Practice for Higher Education in Prison in Georgia

Georgia Coalition for Higher Education in Prison|$1,019,166|11/2023 - 11/2026
This grant supports the Georgia Coalition for Higher Education in Prison in convening stakeholders in Georgia to streamline and strengthen prison education across the state. In addition to increased state-wide cooperation, the project will result in the successful launch of two new postsecondary education in prison programs in facilities with high need and few current postsecondary offerings.

Integrating Financial Literacy into Higher Education in Prison Programming

Social Good Fund Inc|$747,900|10/2024 - 10/2026
This grant supports Beyond Savvy Consumers in collaborating with postsecondary education partners to integrate financial literacy instruction into programming for incarcerated learners.

Powering Good Climate and Infrastructure Careers For All

The Families and Workers Fund|$2,500,000|11/2023 - 10/2026
This grant supports the Families and Workers Fund in investing strategically in career training aligned with workforce demands generated by federal investment in green energy and infrastructure. The Fund will support projects specifically aimed at promoting the upward mobility of individuals in rural communities by building opportunity for high-quality workforce training paired with supports to help learners and workers from low-income backgrounds succeed in accessing and completing that training.