Awarded Grants | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy - Grants Page 7 Skip to main content

Ascendium Education Philanthropy is a division of Ascendium Education Group.

Awarded Grants

The grants we award advance our core strategies to Expand Opportunity, Support Learner Success, and Connect and Align Systems. They also promote field support and development efforts across strategies.

Powering Good Climate and Infrastructure Careers For All

The Families and Workers Fund|$2,500,000|11/2023 - 10/2026
This grant supports the Families and Workers Fund in investing strategically in career training aligned with workforce demands generated by federal investment in green energy and infrastructure. The Fund will support projects specifically aimed at promoting the upward mobility of individuals in rural communities by building opportunity for high-quality workforce training paired with supports to help learners and workers from low-income backgrounds succeed in accessing and completing that training.

Disrupting Occupational Segregation through Regional Postsecondary and Workforce Partnerships

National Fund for Workforce Solutions|$2,000,000|11/2023 - 10/2026
This grant supports the National Fund for Workforce Solutions in designing and implementing regional postsecondary education strategies centered in community colleges to align training and credential programs with good jobs for learners of color from low-income backgrounds.

Reporting on Postsecondary Education and Workforce Training in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism|$400,000|10/2024 - 9/2026
This grant supports Wisconsin Watch in establishing new “Pathways to Success” reporting to cover postsecondary topics, trends, challenges, and solutions across the state.

Expanding College Readiness and Success for Incarcerated Learners

The Petey Greene Program Inc|$700,000|10/2024 - 9/2026
This grant supports The Petey Greene Program in expanding its college readiness and academic support programming to increase the number of incarcerated learners who access and succeed in postsecondary education programs.

Building Career Pathways to Economic Mobility and Capacity Growth

Project Quest Inc|$3,150,000|6/2023 - 9/2026
This grant supports Project QUEST in expanding its evidence-based career training and job coaching services to reach many more low-income individuals in the Bexar County, TX region. This grant leverages a major investment from the City of San Antonio and allows Project QUEST to scale sustainably.

Increasing Access to Educational Materials in Prisons: Facilitating the Approvals Process

Ithaka Harbors Inc|$1,350,000|10/2020 - 9/2026
This grant supports Ithaka Harbors in developing and making accessible a robust digital educational resource for incarcerated learners, as well as undertaking a major research initiative that will inform institutional change across the postsecondary education in prison field. The goal of the project is to leverage technology to increase learner success, while improving instruction and curricula.

Supporting the Future U. Podcast

Academic Intelligence|$105,000|9/2024 - 8/2026
This grant supports Academic Intelligence in producing the Future U. podcast series, which features interviews with national thought leaders and innovators working to improve student success in postsecondary education.

Building a Statewide Data Dashboard for Postsecondary Education in Prison

Coleridge Initiative Inc|$630,530|9/2023 - 8/2026
This grant supports the Coleridge Initiative in strengthening Arkansas’s data infrastructure to develop a data dashboard and conduct policy-relevant research on postsecondary education in prison. This project will serve as a model for other states on how to develop and use data to understand and improve postsecondary education in prison.

Connecting the Justice-Impacted Community to Pre-entry Resources

Our Community Ltd|$230,000|9/2024 - 8/2026
This grant supports Milwaukee-based Our Community in producing and expanding its bi-monthly prison newsletter, which is distributed to more than 8,000 incarcerated individuals in Wisconsin and provides resources and information to support success after release.

Connecting the Workforce Ecosystem through the Horizons Platform

Jobs for the Future Inc|$350,000|9/2024 - 8/2026
This grant supports Jobs for the Future (JFF) in developing podcasts to be hosted on its online information and resource-sharing hub, the Horizons platform. Informed by an advisory council representing its broad, cross-sector network, JFF will develop two podcast series to explore opportunities and challenges related to connecting education and career in support of economic mobility.