Media Partnerships | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy - Grants Page 6 Skip to main content

Ascendium Education Philanthropy is a division of Ascendium Education Group.

Media Partnerships

Our philanthropy amplifies important information across the nation, helping good ideas become systemic change for learners from low-income backgrounds.

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High-quality reporting and storytelling are vital for investigating, proposing, and disseminating systemic solutions to challenges faced by learners from low-income backgrounds. When media highlight problems alongside evidence-based solutions, successful practices have the potential to scale up. Media amplification can also encourage individual policymakers, communities, and government agencies to address critical issues in improving postsecondary education and workforce training outcomes. By framing and amplifying the issues critical to improving postsecondary education and workforce training outcomes, media partners get important information in front of those who can advocate for and make real, systemic change.

Learn more about how our media partnerships support learners from low-income backgrounds.

Curricular Analytics Transfer Exchange

Colorado State University|$50,000|9/2023 - 11/2024
This grant supports the Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities at Colorado State University in exploring the viability of data definitions and standards for making transparent how credits apply to degree program requirements. Outcomes could include the development of a pilot for institutional reporting on degree program requirements to inform a future national transfer student exchange system that helps students understand and plan degree pathways across two-year and four-year institutions.

Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks

Community Colleges of the Appalachian Region|$512,400|11/2021 - 11/2024
This grant supports Community Colleges of the Appalachian Region and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID-19-related impacts.

Supporting The Different Voices of Student Success Resource Center

The Chronicle of Higher Education|$750,000|12/2023 - 11/2024
This grant supports The Chronicle of Higher Education in continuing to develop and expand multimedia content for its Different Voices of Student Success Resource Center.

From Some-College-No-Degree to Success: Postsecondary Pathways for 40 Million Americans

Inside Higher Ed Inc|$55,000|6/2024 - 11/2024
This grant supports Inside Higher Ed in producing a special report and webinars on the topic, “From Some-College-No-Degree to Success: Postsecondary Pathways for 40 Million Americans.” This work will highlight evidence-supported initiatives to streamline the process for and support learners who return to postsecondary education for a degree after stopping out.

A Profile of Low-Income Undergraduates in the United States

Research Triangle Institute|$419,914|3/2022 - 10/2024
This grant supports Research Triangle Institute in providing current and historical statistics defining low-income individuals and describing their demographic characteristics, postsecondary progress and success and labor force outcomes.

Student Parent Film Series

Three Frame Media|$125,000|6/2023 - 10/2024
This grant supports Three Frame Media in producing a short film as part of a series focused on the experiences of student parents in postsecondary education. The series will unpack the challenges faced by student parents, who are also often low-income and students of color, and highlight programs and policies that support their success.
View All Ascendium Grants