Media Partnerships | Ascendium’s Education Philanthropy - Grants Page 9 Skip to main content

Ascendium Education Philanthropy is a division of Ascendium Education Group.

Media Partnerships

Our philanthropy amplifies important information across the nation, helping good ideas become systemic change for learners from low-income backgrounds.

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High-quality reporting and storytelling are vital for investigating, proposing, and disseminating systemic solutions to challenges faced by learners from low-income backgrounds. When media highlight problems alongside evidence-based solutions, successful practices have the potential to scale up. Media amplification can also encourage individual policymakers, communities, and government agencies to address critical issues in improving postsecondary education and workforce training outcomes. By framing and amplifying the issues critical to improving postsecondary education and workforce training outcomes, media partners get important information in front of those who can advocate for and make real, systemic change.

Learn more about how our media partnerships support learners from low-income backgrounds.

Building Support for Women Community College Leaders

New Venture Fund|$75,000|9/2023 - 12/2023
This grant supports the National Center for Inquiry and Improvement in planning a support network for women community college presidents. Planning will include a convening to engage women leaders — including women of color and representatives of rural institutions — to outline needs for support as they navigate increasingly challenging operating environments and obstacles in trying to advance student-centered reforms.

Different Voices of Student Success: Focus on Solutions

The Chronicle of Higher Education|$750,000|12/2022 - 12/2023
This grant supports The Chronicle of Higher Education in developing content for its Different Voices of Student Success online resource center. This resource will showcase the voices of underserved students and identify barriers that exist among students, faculty members and leaders. It will also share best practices for improving student completion rates, upward mobility and the reskilling of workers.

Quality Framework for Community College Bachelor's Degree Programs

Community College Baccalaureate Association Inc|$50,000|12/2022 - 11/2023
This grant supports Community College Baccalaureate Association in collaborating with postsecondary and workforce partners to establish characteristics of quality for community college bachelor's degree programs.

Planning for ASAP Denver

Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative|$50,000|12/2022 - 11/2023
This grant supports Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative (CEEMI) in planning the implementation of a local ASAP-type program to support low-income learner success in the Denver metro area. CEEMI is entering initial phases of building support among local stakeholders and identifying public funding streams to support the launch and sustainability of a Denver ASAP model.

Regional Upskilling Alliance - Planning Period

Strada Collaborative LLC|$50,000|11/2022 - 10/2023
This grant supports the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning in coordinating the development of the Regional Upskilling Alliance, an innovative approach to developing sustainable connective structure that more effectively supports low-wage and unemployed adults in obtaining new skills and communicating them to employers in order to access thriving wage career opportunities.

National Reporting on Rural and Prison Higher Education

Open Campus Media Inc|$600,000|7/2021 - 10/2023
This grant supports Open Campus in developing an indepth series of stories covering rural postsecondary education and workforce training and postsecondary education in prison.
View All Ascendium Grants