The Change We Seek

Too many systemic barriers prevent learners from low-income backgrounds from succeeding in the credential or training programs they need to achieve upward mobility. To change this, we fund strategies to redesign postsecondary education and workforce training programs around learners’ needs and strengthen systems of academic and non-academic support to help them succeed.
Change in Action
Learn how our grantees are working to support learner success.
Expanding Supportive Programming for Incarcerated Learners

With the reinstatement of Pell Grant eligibility for incarcerated learners, access to prison education programs is likely to increase. However, these programs often don’t provide the comprehensive supports learners need to be academically prepared for or successful in them.
Implementing Developmental Education Reforms

Developmental education provides learners with additional academic preparation so they can succeed in college-level courses. Traditionally, developmental education was offered as stand-alone, full semester classes whose credits didn’t count toward a credential. Too many students never completed those classes, causing them to lose both time and money. Research has shown that most students who would be placed in traditional developmental education can succeed in college-level courses with the right supports.
Enhancing Supports for Tribal Colleges and Universities

Tribal Colleges and Universities are critical to the economic and social health of their communities, many of which are in rural areas. However, these institutions have been historically under-resourced relative to their critical and unique roles. Their future — and the future of the learners and communities they serve — depends on their capacity to create strong education and career pathways anchored in local cultures and values.