Scaling Math Pathways in Alabama
University of Texas at Austin|$50,000|10/2024 - 9/2025
This grant supports the Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin in working with state and system-level leaders in Alabama to plan for scaled implementation of redesigned math pathways across the state's colleges and universities.
Supporting National Reporting on Postsecondary Education and Workforce Training
Teachers College, Columbia University|$350,000|8/2023 - 7/2025
This grant supports The Hechinger Report (Hechinger), a publication of the Teachers College at Columbia University, in producing high-quality reporting on emerging trends, challenges, and promising solutions in postsecondary education and workforce training. While continuing to distribute content through its primary website and newsletter outlets, Hechinger will broaden its reach via social media and by partnering with 200+ national news outlets.
Integrating Data Driven Strategies
Thrive for Life Prison Project Inc|$50,000|7/2024 - 6/2025
This grant supports the Thrive for Life Prison Project in enhancing its data infrastructure and capacity through the development of a customized software technology designed to effectively support learners impacted by incarceration as they navigate transitions from incarceration to reentry.
Highlighting Lessons Learned from the Developmental Education Reform Movement
Georgetown University|$223,740|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports FutureEd in producing a comprehensive review of learning from more than a decade of national developmental education reform efforts, highlighting promising strategies and issuing a renewed call for action.
Bolstering the Impact of "The Class" Documentary
Senior Class Project LLC|$150,000|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports Senior Class Project, LLC, in expanding the national reach and impact of its docuseries, The Class. The Class showcases the journey of six students to postsecondary education and highlights how they overcome challenges in pursuing a college degree.
Reporting on the Future of Work, Postsecondary Education and the Skills Gap
American Public Media|$148,028|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports American Public Media’s Marketplace program in producing content about the changing postsecondary education and workforce landscape and the impacts of those changes on learners and U.S. global competitiveness. Marketplace reporting will explore ways to align skills-development opportunities with employer needs.