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Planning for a Center for Prison Education Research and Leadership

University of Utah|$1,068,000|7/2023 - 6/2025
This grant supports the University of Utah in planning the design and launch of a research center focused on postsecondary education in prisons. The proposed center will serve as a national hub for defining critical evidence gaps and advancing rigorous research to inform the design, evaluation and improvement of postsecondary education programs for incarcerated learners.

Building a Movement to Implement Corequisite Models of Support in Illinois

Partnership for College Completion|$750,000|6/2023 - 6/2025
This grant supports the Partnership for College Completion in working with a cohort of Illinois colleges to implement developmental education reforms as required by the Developmental Education Reform Act passed by the state legislature in 2021. Partnership for College Completion will support institutions in designing and implementing multiple measures placement practices and building capacity for continuous improvement through data literacy and change management.

From Opening Doors to Ushering In- Strategic Enrollment Management for Adult Learner Success

Achieving the Dream Inc|$670,000|12/2023 - 5/2025
This grant supports Achieving the Dream (ATD) in supporting five community colleges as they design and implement enrollment management plans focused on identifying, recruiting, and supporting the enrollment and success of adult learners. ATD will assist colleges in assessing the needs of potential adult learners in their regions, identifying strategies to enroll those learners, and implementing practices to ensure their success.

Exploring TRIO's Capacity to Provide Career Development to Low-Income Students

Council for Opportunity in Education|$748,000|2/2023 - 5/2025
This grant supports the Pell Institute, the research arm of the Council for Opportunity in Education, in exploring the capacity for federally-funded TRIO programs to provide more robust career development and support services to the low-income college students they serve. This study is the first to explore opportunities to leverage TRIO programs in service of post-college career outcomes.

Reporting on the Future of Work, Postsecondary Education and the Skills Gap

American Public Media|$148,028|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports American Public Media’s Marketplace program in producing content about the changing postsecondary education and workforce landscape and the impacts of those changes on learners and U.S. global competitiveness. Marketplace reporting will explore ways to align skills-development opportunities with employer needs.

Highlighting Lessons Learned from the Developmental Education Reform Movement

Georgetown University|$223,740|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports FutureEd in producing a comprehensive review of learning from more than a decade of national developmental education reform efforts, highlighting promising strategies and issuing a renewed call for action.

Advancing Equitable Outcomes through Leadership

North Carolina State University|$1,803,200|6/2021 - 5/2025
This grant supports North Carolina State University’s Belk Center for Community College Leadership in building capacity for presidents, senior teams and trustees of the state’s 58 community colleges. Learner-centered leadership development is needed to address structural barriers to student success and implement solutions that will achieve equitable outcomes for learners from low-income backgrounds.

Building the Data Capacity of Rural Postsecondary Institutions

WestEd|$937,000|12/2022 - 5/2025
This grant supports WestEd in providing customized support to rural community colleges to help them improve institutional research and data use capabilities, and in the application of those capabilities for federal grant applications and institutional planning efforts. The grant will support up to 20 rural-located/serving institutions—including tribal colleges—and provide an additional 20 colleges with customized coaching.

Bolstering the Impact of "The Class" Documentary

Senior Class Project LLC|$150,000|6/2024 - 5/2025
This grant supports Senior Class Project, LLC, in expanding the national reach and impact of its docuseries, The Class. The Class showcases the journey of six students to postsecondary education and highlights how they overcome challenges in pursuing a college degree.

Bringing Value-Based Bachelor's Degrees to Rural Community College Students

New America Foundation|$1,100,000|5/2022 - 5/2025
This grant supports New America Foundation in building capacity at community colleges to create high-quality, affordable and workforce-driven baccalaureate programs. Community college baccalaureate programs provide new or expanded access to in-demand sectors, particularly for underserved populations such as adult learners and learners from low-income backgrounds in rural areas.