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Pathways to Success for Students with Some College No Degree

Tennessee Board of Regents-The College System of Tennessee |$225,000|10/2020 - 12/2021
This grant supports the Tennessee Board of Regents - The College System of Tennessee in researching pathways to success for adult students with some college credit but no degree. This project will identify the various supports necessary to increase success for adults who return to college.

Ascendium-Sponsored Practitioner Fellowships

Alliance for Higher Education in Prison|$30,000|8/2021 - 12/2021
This grant supports Ascendium‐Sponsored Practitioner Fellows' participation in the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison's National Conference on Higher Education in Prison, November 11‐14, 2021.

College and Student Success in Rural Communities

University of Wisconsin-Madison|$191,765|6/2020 - 12/2021
This grant supports the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Student Success Through Applied Research Lab in completing an analysis of demographic shifts in rural communities and college enrollment trends in rural places facing the greatest demographic shifts. This research will uncover new insights into rural college opportunity and access and will help education leaders and other stakeholders identify practical ways colleges can successfully navigate and respond to these increasing demographic challenges.

Ascendium‐Sponsored Practitioner Fellowships

National Rural Education Association|$30,000|11/2021 - 11/2021
This grant supports Ascendium's sponsorship of National Rural Education Association's 2021 National Forum to Advance Rural Education, November 11-12, 2021 and attendance of 10-20 researchers and career pathways staff as fellows at the event.

Strengthening Completion Pathways and Ensuring Students are Learning

American Association of Colleges and Universities|$866,939|1/2019 - 10/2021
This grant supports the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) in creating resources and tools to assist institutions that are implementing guided pathways reforms at scale. AAC&U is working with 20 community colleges to field test a framework for ensuring student learning on a program pathway.

Math Initiative

Universities of Wisconsin System|$2,300,000|1/2018 - 10/2021
This grant supports the University of Wisconsin System in helping its colleges increase completion of math gateway courses. The colleges will collaborate on improving developmental math offerings and establish new pathways that are aligned and developed concurrently with meta-majors.

Constructing a Predictive Analytic Model to Adult Learner Pathways

The Graduate! Network Inc|$260,000|6/2020 - 9/2021
This grant supports The Graduate! Network in developing a platform-agnostic quantitative and qualitative analysis of their data to construct a predictive analytic model to further understand patterns in adult learner pathways to degree completion. The analyses produced from this project will ultimately culminate in a report that will inform institutional policies and practices to further support adult learner re-engagement strategies and increase degree completion.

Ascendium‐Sponsored Practitioner Fellowships

Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness|$24,000|7/2020 - 9/2021
This grant supports the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness in connecting educational researchers with philanthropic organizations to advance high-quality education research.

Rural Perspective and Opinions on Work, Education and Place

Education Commission of the States|$371,875|9/2020 - 9/2021
This grant supports Education Commission of the States in better understanding rural residents’ perceptions of the value of education, barriers to entry or completion, connections to work and general satisfaction with prior education and training experiences, leveraging insights for state policy audiences.