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All Grants

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Assessing Quality and Equitable Access and Outcomes of Distance Postsecondary Courses for the Incarcerated

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences|$700,000|7/2021 - 12/2024
This grant supports the American Institutes for Research in conducting a study to identify and examine high quality and equitable distance education practices among a select group of postsecondary education in prison providers offering courses that lead to a credential or degree. By producing evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of different distance education options, this study hopes to determine a connection between characteristics of program quality and student success outcomes.

Understanding Educational Space Needs in Prisons

Ithaka Harbors Inc|$550,000|12/2021 - 12/2024
This grant supports Ithaka S+R in exploring intersections of high-quality postsecondary education in prison and physical space constraints that impact educational programming in prisons. The goal of the project is to conduct research and develop policy recommendations and design solutions that will allow prisons to maximize access to high-quality postsecondary education programming.

Massachusetts Prison Education Consortium Expansion

The Educational Justice Institute at MIT|$810,700|7/2021 - 12/2024
This grant supports The Educational Justice Institute at MIT in designing a scalable, sustainable and replicable model of postsecondary education delivery throughout the Massachusetts prison system. This model will unite the disparate courses offered throughout the correctional system into a coordinated network of transferable credits, guide students through facility transfers and create comprehensive programs leading to credentials.

Strengthening the Postsecondary Education in Prison Field Through High-Impact Technical Assistance

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences|$460,600|10/2023 - 9/2024
This grant supports American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences in building infrastructure to assess, improve, and diffuse knowledge about the quality of technical assistance within the field of postsecondary education in prison.

Preparing for Pell Grant Eligibility for Incarcerated Learners

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators|$551,125|4/2023 - 9/2024
This grant supports the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators in providing technical support to financial aid offices preparing for the return of Pell grant eligibility for incarcerated learners.

Increasing Access to Educational Materials in Prisons: Facilitating the Approvals Process

Ithaka Harbors Inc|$950,000|10/2020 - 9/2024
This grant supports Ithaka Harbors in developing and making accessible a robust digital educational resource for incarcerated learners, as well as undertaking a major research initiative that will inform institutional change across the postsecondary education in prison field. The goal of the project is to leverage technology to increase learner success, while improving instruction and curricula.

Optimizing Delivery Systems for Higher Education in Prison Evaluation

Second Chance Educational Alliance Inc|$330,000|1/2020 - 8/2024
This grant supports the Second Chance Educational Alliance in evaluating the initiative and synthesizing lessons learned across participating sites.

Designing a Postsecondary Education in Prison RFP Initiative

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences|$363,800|11/2023 - 7/2024
This grant supports American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences in researching and designing an initiative focused on supporting experienced postsecondary education in prison programs in sharing their knowledge and resources with other programs to accelerate their meeting new federal regulations for receiving Pell Grants.

Establishing and Solidifying a Field Convener

Alliance for Higher Education in Prison|$475,000|7/2023 - 7/2024
This grant supports the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in fostering collaboration among critical stakeholders in the postsecondary education in prison field. The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison will solidify its role as a national convener and resource hub for the field.

Organizational Capacity Building Project

Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network|$240,000|7/2023 - 6/2024
This grant supports the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network in building the executive, organizational and strategic capacity needed to excel as an impactful network of leaders who completed college during incarceration.